Publisher information

The Ma Sécurité site is a site of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas, published and managed by the General Directorate of the National Police and the General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie.

DGGN address :
4, rue Claude Bernard
92 130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

DGPN address :
Ministry of the Interior
National Police General Directorate
Place Beauvau
75008 Paris Cedex 08

Directors of publication
Director General of the National Police
Director General of the National Gendarmerie

Editorial Director
Caroline Mougnaud, Moncommissariat
Person responsible for access to administrative documents and questions relating to the reuse of public information for the central administration of the Ministry of the Interior: Mr. Deputy Director of Public Liberties

Processing of personal data

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, personal data is processed on this website. The right of access, rectification, limitation and opposition to this data can be exercised, by proving your identity (copy of both sides of an identity document), using the dedicated form (by the french version).

All personal data collected is treated in the strictest confidence. In particular, the national police force undertakes to respect the confidentiality of e-mails sent by electronic mail. Electronic messages and electronic addresses are only kept for the time necessary for their processing and their retention period may not exceed 3 months.

Traceability and profiling

The Ma Sécurité site uses the Eulerian statistical tool, which records the rate of visits to the site's pages thanks to Internet connection data.

As part of the use of this tool, the Ma Sécurité site is required to use connection cookies called cookies and to store information relating to the profile of its visitors (equipment, browser used, etc.), to their navigation on the site and the frequency of visits.

You can refuse the use of cookies by clicking on the "cookie management" tab on the home page.

For more information on the subject, please visit the CNIL website. You also have the right to lodge any complaint with the CNIL.

To report a malfunction, use the dedicated form on this site. 

Copyright and author's rights

Reproduction of the content

The information posted on the www.masecurité website is public and is not covered by any copyright (art. L. 122-5 of the intellectual property code); it may be freely reproduced, subject to three conditions

- respect for the integrity of the information reproduced
- citation of the source;
- the mention that reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.

Any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.

Graphic creations - Photographic credits - Videos

The graphic creations, logos, illustrations, photographs and videos published on the site may not be reproduced without the prior agreement of the information and communication service of the national police or the information and public relations service of the armed forces (gendarmerie). Requests should be sent to:

by email to

Or by mail to the following address 
Hôtel de Police - 23,rue François de Sourdis - 33000 Bordeaux

Any use or manipulation of the content (cropping, retouching, editing, special effects), without prior written consent, is prohibited under penalty of legal proceedings.

Creating links to

The establishment of a link to the site, as for the sites or is not subject to any prior agreement. The explicit mention of the title of the site of Ma Sécurité, the national police and the national gendarmerie in the title of the link is highly desirable. It is strongly recommended that this page be opened in an independent browser window.

Content of the site


Despite all the care taken by our editorial and technical teams in drafting and putting the documents online, typographical errors or technical inaccuracies cannot be excluded. The Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories reserves the right to correct them at any time as soon as they are brought to its attention.

The information and documents contained on the site are likely to be updated at any time, in particular between the time they are downloaded by the Internet user and the time they become aware of them.

Consultation and downloading of documents

The Ministry of the Interior distributes its publications in PDF format.

The General interoperability reference framework v1.0 in force for French administrations specifies "It is recommended to use the PDF 1.7 format (…) for exchanges of technical drawings in non-revisable mode (…) for exchanges of office documents in non-revisable mode. (…) for storing dynamic office documents. », « (…) the PDF/A format, for archiving non-revisable static office documents. », « (…) to use the PDF/X format for the exchange of digital printing data. »

To read the PDF format, several open and free readers exist. The site lists them according to the operating system you are using (Windows, Mac OS, etc.).

Links to other sites, public or private, may be offered to you on the site in order to facilitate access to information for the Internet user.
These sites do not engage the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories.

Access to the site

The Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories and the host strive to allow Internet users to have continuous access to the site
Nevertheless, the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories reserves the right not to be able to guarantee accessibility to its website and to all the teleservices offered in the event of force majeure (breakdown, technical maintenance intention). Ma Sécurité cannot be held liable.

Terms and conditions of use
Website: Ma Sécurité (chat)

The Ma Sécurité website provides users with two chat services allowing them to contact the national police or the national gendarmerie. Each service has its own terms and conditions.

National Police Chat

ARTICLE 1 : Definitions

The purpose of this article is to define the various essential terms of the contract: User: this term designates any person who uses the Service. Service: The Service allows the user to contact the national police, by exchanging directly with a police officer by instant messaging. It also provides a help center that can be freely searched by the User.

ARTICLE 2 : Purpose

The purpose of these “general terms and conditions of use” is to provide a legal framework for the terms of provision of the national police instant messaging service and their use by the “User”. The general conditions of use constitute the contract between the Service and the User. Access to the Service by the User signifies his acceptance of these general conditions of use.

ARTICLE 3 : Purpose of the “national police chat” service

Access to the chat is open to anyone.

The national police chat present on the Ma Sécurité website is implemented by the general management of the national police. The objective of the chat is to allow and facilitate dialogue between the national police and users. Its main objective and the information of the public as well as the redirection, towards the appropriate platform, of the User who would like to make a report.

In any way, the chat is not designed to receive reports of emergency situations which must imperatively be the subject of a telephone call (17 for the national police and gendarmerie or 112 for the emergency services) or sending an SMS (to 114 for people who have difficulty speaking or hearing).

Using the chat requires a connection and an internet browser. The browser must be configured to allow session cookies.

Users who use the chat acknowledge having read these general conditions of use. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 to 4 of Ordinance No. 2014-1330 of November 6, 2014 relating to the right of users to enter the administration electronically, these general conditions are binding on any user of the chat.

The conditions of use of the Service fall within the framework of Ordinance No. 2015-1341 of October 23, 2015 relating to the legislative provisions of the code of relations between the public and the administration.

ARTICLE 4: Operation/Functionality of the service

Use of the Service requires a connection and an internet browser.

Access from mobile terminals is possible subject to the compatibility of the module with the User's browser and equipment.

The Service offers users precise and complete information on all types of questions relating to the administrative operations and organizations of police stations, training in national police professions and all information relating to the operation of the national police.

The service also makes it possible to redirect the user to the appropriate platform (non-exhaustive list below) concerning his report or his request or to take charge of his request directly if any redirection is impossible.

Reporting platforms :

Information platforms or platforms linked to an administrative procedure :

ARTICLE 5 : In the context of instant messaging

An instant messaging module is available on this website.

The availability of the module and the operators is not guaranteed. The response time and the registration of the request are not guaranteed.

The User exchanges freely with a police officer by instant messaging. During the exchanges, the User may be directed to a teleservice or to a physical reception. If it is simply a question or information, the Service takes the request into account provided that the User provides the information necessary for its processing. In the absence of an immediate response, a deferred response may be offered, provided that the User provides an email address allowing them to be contacted again.

ARTICLE 6 : Processing of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms modified and the general regulations on data protection (RGPD), the person in charge of the treatment, the director of the Management central de la sécurité publique implements the “national police chat” processing.

This processing is based on the decree of December 10, 2020 amending the decree of February 1, 2011 relating to the missions and organization of the central directorate of public security. It collects the following categories of data :

Personal identification data: surname, first name.

Location data (postal address): provided or obtained upon request.

Connection data (IP address); identification of the Internet user for urgent or serious reports.

Functional traces.

Anonymized statistics

These data are kept for a period of 7 days.

They are only accessible to the following people: the operators processing the conversations on the platform and their hierarchy, as well as to the following recipients: the reports are transmitted either to the centers with territorial jurisdiction, for intervention.

To exercise your rights of access or rectification, you must contact :

The central director of the public security department – ​​Place Beauvau – 75800 Paris cedex 08 enclosing a copy of your identity document.

This processing is controlled by the Ministerial Delegate for Data Protection of the Ministry of the Interior : via the following address :

or by post to the following address :

Ministry of the Interior 
For the attention of the Ministerial Delegate for Data Protection (DMPD)
Place Beauvau
75800 Paris CEDEX 08. 

You can file a complaint with the National Commission for Information and Liberties (CNIL – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris Cedex 07).

ARTICLE 7 : Treatment of abusive or fraudulent requests

The right of electronic referral does not apply to abusive mailings, in particular by their number, their repetitive or systematic nature, or mailings likely to undermine the security of information systems.

In addition, abusive mailings, with the intention of harming (within the meaning of article 226-10 penal code modified by law n°2010-769 of July 9, 2010-art16) are punished by a penalty of up to to 5 years in prison and a fine of €45,000.

ARTICLE 8 : Rules relating to hypertext links

The chat refers to hypertext links in order to redirect the user to the platform provided for the report he is declaring. The responsibility of the service is in no way called into question in the event of a malfunction of a hypertext link.

ARTICLE 9 : Intellectual property

The trademarks, logos, signs and any other content of the Service are protected by the intellectual property code and more particularly by copyright.

The User requests the prior authorization of the Service for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents.

The User undertakes to use the contents of the Service in a strictly private context. Use of content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Any total or partial representation of the Site, or of the exchanges issued by the Service, by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of the operator of the Service would constitute an infringement punishable by article L. 335-2 and following of the code. intellectual property.

In the event of express authorization, it is recalled in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code that the User who reproduces, copies or publishes the protected content must cite the author and its source.

ARTICLE 10 : Availability, modification and evolution of the service

The chat is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. However, modifications or changes may be made, without delay or notice, for any reason deemed necessary by the DGPN.

Any malfunction does not engage the responsibility of the DGPN. The unavailability of the service does not entitle you to any compensation.

ARTICLE 11 : Evolution of the contract

The terms of these terms of use may be amended at any time, without notice, based on changes to the Service, changes in legislation or for any other reason deemed necessary.

ARTICLE 12 : Duration

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract takes effect with respect to the User from the use of the Service.

ARTICLE 13: Partial nullity

If one or more stipulations of these general conditions of use are held to be invalid or declared as such pursuant to a law, regulation or final decision of a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will retain all their strength and full range.

ARTICLE 14 : Commitments and liability

The service undertakes to take all useful precautions to preserve the security of the data collected from the user, and in particular to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or that unauthorized third parties have access to them.

However, the Service undertakes to implement all necessary means to best guarantee the security and confidentiality of data.

The User of the Service undertakes to provide, in the context of the use of the Service, only accurate, up-to-date and complete information. In the event that the User does not fulfill this commitment, the DGPN reserves the right to suspend or terminate the administrative procedure, without prejudice to any criminal and civil liability actions that may be brought against him.

The sources of the information disseminated on the Service are deemed to be reliable. However, the Service reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources. The information given on the Service is for informational purposes only. Thus, the User alone assumes full responsibility for the use of the information and content of this Service.

A total guarantee of the security and confidentiality of the data transmitted is not provided by the Service.

It is recalled that any person making a false declaration for themselves or for others is liable, in particular, to the penalties provided for in Article 441-1 of the Criminal Code, providing for penalties of up to three years' imprisonment. imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

The Service cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and irresistible act of a third party

ARTICLE 15 : Official texts

Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

Ordinance no. 2015-1341 of October 23, 2015 relating to the legislative provisions of the code of relations between the public and the administration.

Ordinance No. 2014-1330 of 6 November 2014 relating to the right of users to enter the administration electronically

ARTICLE 16 : Attribution of jurisdiction and applicable law

In the event of a dispute over the interpretation or execution of these general conditions and in the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, the administrative court of Paris shall have sole jurisdiction.

The law of the French Republic is solely applicable.

For any question relating to the application of these T&Cs, you can contact the publisher at the contact details listed in article 2.

National Gendarmerie Chat

The general conditions of use of the national gendarmerie chat are available here :