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On average, 91,8% of passengers at Paris-Orly airport wait less than 10 minutes.
Go to the Paris airports website where you will find the details of all the different situations.
In case you have any doubt about a product or an authorised quantity, go to the public-service website. Please note: some airlines are more restrictive than others. Be sure to check before your departure.
Remember to remove your belt when you arrive at the checkpoint, make your electrical devices easily accessible so that you can take them out, and place all your liquids in a plastic bag that they will give you at the checkpoint. Finally, remember to empty your water bottle before going through the security checkpoints. No drinks are allowed and will be confiscated.
You can file a complaint with the closest police station. To find a map of all the police stations in France. Some police stations are also available at airports.
If you notice a suspicious person or situation on board a metro or RER train, you can contact the alert number discreetly, by text message, on 31 177. An operator will talk to you and notify the police if necessary. This service is available on 3117 if you are a victim of sexual or gender-based violence on public transport in Paris.
To limit your waiting time, you can fix an appointment at the police station online if you wish to lodge a report or a complaint. In case of emergency, the police will meet you directly at the station, without appointment.
Report the loss or delay of your luggage to your airline’s luggage service.
Report it to the airport police station.
Items lost on board an aircraft, in an airline lounge, or on a bus during boarding or landing are taking care of by the airline and handed over to its luggage service. You therefore have to contact your airline.
After 15 days, lost property is sent to the Lost Property Service of the Paris Police Prefecture. You will need to complete the online lost property declaration form.
Lost property on Paris taxis is generally sent to the Lost Property Service of the Paris Police Prefecture. You will need to complete the online lost property declaration form.
All travellers entering and leaving the Schengen area are subject to systematic checks at air borders (as well as sea and land borders).
Border crossing points are supervised by national police border guards.
Paris Aéroport, in partnership with the French Government services, has equipped the terminals of its Paris airports with the PARAFE airlock system. These airlocks allow you to cross borders independently with your identity document checked. This system automates entry to and exit from the country, making border controls more fluid.
In order to use the automated border check airlock at Paris airports, all you need to do is meet the following 3 eligibility criteria:
- Be the holder of a biometric passport;
- Be over 18 years old if you are leaving Paris or over 12 years old if you are arriving in Paris from a foreign country;
- Be a citizen of one of the eligible countries.
Quishing is a QR code swindle that involves stealing personal information for fraudulent purposes. Here are some precautions to take:
- Make sure you look at the information around a QR code before scanning it;
- Check that a fake QR code has not been stuck on top of a real one;
- Once the QR code has been scanned, check the URL. If it looks strange in its title, if it is very short or has spelling mistakes, it may lead towards a fraudulent site.
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